GRE作文范文 Issue-21
"The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little."
嘉文博译Sample Essay
Leaders come in all forms - from those running small groups of people in an office to heads of state that must lead millions or billions of people. Leaders also serve during different time periods marked by different states of the overall environment. National leaders may act in times marked by intense crises such as war, while others may serve during relative times of peace. Business leaders may operate during rapid economic changes and progress or relatively slow times, such as during a recession. An effective leader must be able to fit the situation, whether that means remaining consistently committed to particular principles and objectives or being able to go with the flow of change of opinion to best complete his or her mission. The mission or final goals desired would most likely determine which type of leader would be most effective in that particular situation.
One example would be to examine the actions of two consecutive Presidents of the United States. President Bill Clinton served during a relatively peaceful time of prosperity and economic growth in the United States. Personal proclivities aside, President Clinton seemed to run the country by gauging popular opinion through the heavy use of polling. With almost never varying consistency, President Clinton took stands on the issues that fell closely in line with the popular opinions of the country. Mr. Clinton's opinions sometimes changed overnight, apparently following the ebb and flow of the tide of popular opinion. Most people in the world would agree that President Clinton did a good job of running the country during his administration and that he was an effective leader, whether or not they agree with how he conducted his personal life.
In stark contrast, George W. Bush had served little more than eight months as President when his leadership was subjected to one of the strongest tests possible. The worst terrorist attacks on the United States in history struck just as the economic conditions of the country seemed to be sliding towards recession. War and economic distress came to the country at the same time. Mr. Bush acted quickly and decisively on both fronts. War was all but declared against the ruling Taliban government of Afghanistan and the worldwide Al-Quaida terrorist organization. During the same time period, Mr. Bush's administration made several rapid adjustments to the government's prime lending rates. Many leaders worldwide and some opponents at home questioned some of his decisions. Popular opinion in the rest of the world often portrayed President Bush as acting as a "lone ranger" without regard to the opinions of the rest of the world. Through it all, President Bush stayed with his decisions, including the controversial statement regarding Iran, Iraq and North Korea as an "axis of evil". No one can seriously argue that President Bush has not been an effective leader while remaining consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Both Presidents took the opposite extremes proposed by the above issue statement, but both have been proven to be effective leaders. The situations were different and possibly called for a different type of leadership in order for the final goals to be reached.
Other levels of leadership also would likely require different actions of a leader in different situations. When times are good, it may be easier to follow along with popular opinion as long as it does not appear to be particularly disruptive. Usually when the majority of the population of a country or the stockholders of a corporation are happy, there is little call for rapid changes. However, when times turn tough, a leader that can make the difficult decisions to stay with certain principles and objectives is required. Although they may not be the popular opinions, they may be the best ones for the overall good of the country or company. An effective leader is one who can determine which approach will most likely lead to the accomplishment of the overall mission.
GRE作文范文 Argument-21
The following appeared in the annual report from the president of the National Brush Company.
嘉文博译Sample Essay
"In order to save money, we at the National Brush Company have decided to pay our employees for each brush they produce instead of for the time they spend producing brushes. We believe that this policy will lead to the production of more and better brushes, will allow us to reduce our staff size, and will enable the company factories to operate for fewer hours---resulting in savings on electricity and security costs. These changes will ensure that the best workers keep their jobs and that the company will earn a profit in the coming year."
In this argument, the president of the National Brush Company states that the company has decided to pay employees for each brush that they produce rather than for the time that they spend producing the brushes. The president states that this will lead to the production of more and better brushes, allowing the company to reduce its staff size and save money on electricity and security costs by operating the factories for fewer hours. The president also states that the changes will allow the company to keep the best workers and ensure a profit for the company in the coming year. In theory, the president's idea sounds good, but a closer examination reveals that his or her conclusions are based on nothing more than guesswork, not hard facts.
There is not really any argument here; the president merely states conclusions with no basis in fact. First of all, the president states that by paying employees by the brush produced, rather than for the time spent at work, the company will get better brushes in greater quantity. On the contrary, it is likely that paying employees by the brush will lead to lower quality rather than better quality brushes. The incentive will be for employees to produce as many brushes as they possibly can, thus they will try to work as fast as they can with little regard for quality. Although there will likely be an increase in the quantity of the brushes produced, it is likely that they will be of lower quality as the employees race to produce as many as possible. Without some type of quality control mechanism, the president's conclusion that there will be more, higher quality brushes is likely based on wishful thinking rather than fact.
Secondly, the president refers to saving money by reducing staff size and operating the factories for fewer hours. This does not follow any type of logical reasoning, certainly none that is present in the president's annual report. There is no evidence presented on which to base the assumption that there can be a reduction in staff. Additionally, employees will expect to work the same number of hours so that they may produce as many brushes as possible to maximize their incomes. It does not follow that there will be savings from staff reductions or from operating the factories fewer hours. Indeed, it is likely that the employees will be motivated to work longer hours to produce even more brushes, thus leading to increased rather than decreased factory hours. Furthermore, unless the company establishes a production ceiling for the number of brushes produced, there will likely be no savings in electricity or security costs as the factories will continue to stay open at least the same, if not more, hours than before the change.
Finally, the president states that the changes in policy will ensure that the "best" workers keep their jobs, and that the company will earn a profit in the coming year. Once again, these are baseless conclusions. Which workers will the company consider to be the best: those that produce the most brushes or those that produce the highest quality brushes? It would be dangerous to conclude that the best workers are those that produce the highest number of brushes, as a purely numerical merit system does not take quality into consideration. Such a system might actually lead to the dismissal of the best workers while keeping those whose only quality is that of speed, not of craftsmanship. Furthermore, there is no guarantee of profits for the company in the coming year with this new policy. Should the "pay by the brush" policy encourage employees to speed up production while sacrificing quality, it is likely that the company would lose sales and therefore profits. There is no evidence presented in the argument to back up the conclusion that the best workers will stay and profitability will be ensured.
To summarize, there is no evidence presented by the president that the plan will lead to the specified conclusions. Without further factual evidence that the plan will perform as advertised, the president appears to be engaging in wishful thinking rather than rational planning.
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